Sustainability (Food & Waste Issues) Resources
From 2009 to 2020, LYCS Development Education designed and delivered training for participants and trainers on sustainability issues, particularly around food and waste issues. Here are some of the resources we used and created.
Sustainability Video Resources
A list of various films on sustainability
Economics of Happiness An abridged version of the documentary exploring globalisation, modernisation, neoliberalism, culture, consumerism, sustainability, waste and more.
Story of Stuff A 20 minute animated video on how stuff is made, consumed and disposed of and the consequences of that.
Story of Change A 6 min animated video on the importance of becoming active citizens as well as discerning shoppers as a means to changing the economic system
This Changes Everything A 10 minute version of the longer documentary which is based on Naomi Klein’s book of the same name, which explores the link between capitalism and the climate.
Sorry Future Generations Hard-hitting Prince Ea music video about what we’re doing to the planet
The Great Turning Joanna Macy explaining what The Great Turning is
The Work That Reconnects The Work that Reconnects helps people discover and experience their innate connections with each other and the self-healing powers of the web of life, transforming despair and overwhelm into inspired, collaborative action.
Ted Talks on Waste Here’s what a search under ‘waste’ produces on TedX. Plenty of interesting viewing!
LYCS Waste Playlist on YouTube
Zero Waste - Irish Groups, Campaigns & Organisations
Zero Waste Activism Ireland Facebook Group
Conscious Cup Campaign The campaign to eliminate disposable cups in Ireland
Refill Refill Ireland is a voluntary environmental project leading the way to make Ireland a tap water refilling country once again.
VOICE A member-based Irish environmental charity that empowers individuals and local communities to take positive action to conserve our natural resources.
FoodCloud A charity which redirects unwanted food to charities who need it
Zero Waste Festival Ireland A group which organises Zero Waste Festivals around Ireland
Zero Waste Festival A snapshot of the June 2017 Zero Waste festival in Dublin.
Zero Waste Alliance Ireland Zero Waste Alliance Ireland is a campaigning organization focused on changing Waste Management Policies and practice to achieve a Zero Waste society.
WeShare WeShare is a Gift Economy community group sharing skills, knowledge, stuff & time, in a money-free environment
Falling Fruit A charity which redirects unwanted fruits harvested around Dublin to charities who need it
Five groups in Ireland to help you reduce your plastic waste
CommonGround Bray A cooperative which promotes living sustainably via bulk food orders, community pot luck dinners, growing food around Bray and lots more
ReCreate diverts unwanted and end of line materials away from landfill and distributes them for creative use
Waste Issue Resources - Resources developed/adapted by LYCS for use in our workshops
Zero Waste Find Someone Who Activity
Zero Waste Workshop Planning form
Gallery of Zero Waste projects
Gallery of consequences of waste images
Gallery of waste reducing projects
Zero Waste - How to reduce your waste
Files from Zero Waste Ireland Facebook group
Zero Waste Ireland Facebook Group
Zero Waste Freecycle Ireland Facebook Group
Zero Waste Shopping in Ireland
You can live without producing trash Short video, US based
Short introduction video on Zero Waste by 15 year old Irish girl Anna
Sustainable Food - Video Resources
Fare Ireland A docu-series focusing on how communities in Ireland use food to bring people together.
Film clip on Kenyan beans This is the short clip watched in the workshop about import of Kenyan beans to UK supermarkets
Jamie Oliver’s Sugar Rush Here’s the Jamie Oliver documentary about sugar.
Industrial Vs Sustainable Agriculture 6.5 minute video exploring these 2 types of agriculture
Home Feature length film by photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand, telling the story of our 200,000 years on Earth, and how humanity has hopelessly upset Mother Nature’s delicate balance.
Food MythBusters—Do we really need industrial agriculture to feed the world? The biggest players in the food industry—from pesticide pushers to fertilizer makers to food processors and manufacturers—spend billions of dollars every year not selling food, but selling the idea that we need their products to feed the world. But, do we really need industrial agriculture to feed the world? Can sustainably grown food deliver the quantity and quality we need—today and in the future?
The Story of Food Short, animated film which will get you thinking about our broken food system. It identifies what’s gone wrong, and what we can do to rebuild it.
Nafta and Maize in Mexico A clip which deals with the impact of the trade agreement Nafta on maize production in Mexico.
Food Inc Feature length documentary whose message is that most of what Americans now eat is produced by a handful of highly centralized mega-businesses,and that this situation is detrimental to health, environment, even our very humanity.
Ted Talks on Food These TED talks — from chefs, farmers, restaurant owners, cookbook writers and foodies — celebrate all things edible. And ask the important question: What’s wrong with what we eat?
Berkeley Food Institute Edible Education Lectures on Food Issues Lectures by many specialists on the global food system and alternatives.
Big Sugar About the powerful global sugar industry
The Organic Effect: What Happens When You Switch To Organic A short film showing how a Swedish family reduce pesticide levels in their bodies by switching to organic
Sustainable Food - Resources developed/adapted by LYCS for use in our workshops
Food Alternatives This is a gallery of images representing alternative food approaches and projects from around the world.
Hungry Planet images This document contains several photos from the Hungry Planet project, depicting families from around the world and what they eat in one week.
Hungry Planet Information on images This document gives you some background information on some of the families featured in the Hungry Planet project.
Food Labels 1 Here are photos of food labels for printing and laminating
Food Labels 2 More food labels for printing and laminating
LYCS Healthy Eating Without Costing the Earth Manual This manual contains extra info and more downloadables for the workshops. Includes info on eating on a budget. Another great resource is Jack Monroe’s blog which features wholesome budget recipes.